Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Desert Beauty

DH and I have been coming to Arizona for years and years...  but separately, because, well, we weren't married yet.  

When we first discussed moving to Phoenix (1- DH has wanted to live here for over 30 years, and B - my health issues are lessened here), I wasn't too keen on the idea because brown is not my favorite color. 

I was used to the lush green of the Midwest.  The magnificent State Fairs of Iowa.  The fresh corn on the cob in July.  The tomatoes and cucumbers all summer long.  and the strawberries watermelon.....  oh, the strawberries and watermelon!!

So we looked at houses and I tried to use new glasses to see the beauty of the Sonoran Desert. 

We found that north of Phoenix proper, the temps were a little less extreme, the brown was less brown, and the green was more green....  and there was more green!!  plus, the house lots were a little larger. 

Golden Barrel Cactus
The longer I live in Arizona, the more I am open to see all that is beautiful in this seemly unfriendly desert. 

I took a walk-about in our little yard and these are a few things that caught my attention. 

I am STILL unable to catch one of the hummingbirds at the feeder.

I don't know all the names of the gorgeous plants in our yard, nor have they all bloomed yet, but I add more photos as more bloom.

Flowering Pear Cactus

Even the rocks carry beauty

Find beauty in your surroundings...  but know that you will have to open your mind before you open your eyes if you want to see it.

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