I know a nice person, and her family, when I read about it.
I don't usually read obituaries. While we might be of an "age" that people we know are passing away with increased frequency (an unfortunate fact we must face), we don't really know that many people in our area... we haven't lived here that long.
A few months ago, I was reading through the paper and for whatever reason, an obit attracted my eye. Trusting my gut, I read it.
After reading it, I cut it out and saved it. At the time, I was not really sure why. Every now and then I would read the obit again. Today, I decided to share it with you. I will not share names or specifics but my heart wants me to share....
The woman was originally from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, which may have been what my eye noticed, but lived in Phoenix. I continued reading but I did not recognize the name or photo.
My breath catches every time I read the last couple sentences of the obit, from which I will quote here.
"Mom had a good life, she loved God and people and that's all any of us are called to do. If you would like to do something in her memory, write a heartfelt letter to a friend. She'd like that."
I commend her family for honoring her life in such simple terms. There was no listing of her travels, education, or a career. No mention of gardening awards or blue ribbons. Her life was honored by stating what was important to her: Her God, her family, and her love for others.
Thank you to her family for helping me let go of the little things and remember what is important.
So simplistic yet heart warning. I wish more people in the world could be like that. Thank you for sharing this.