Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Its about time project #5.1: path to gazebo

We have this gorgeous gazebo on our property.  It was donated by the previous owners but we love it. We planted a trailing lilac next to it to provide shade...  and its flowered beautifully!  

We also used some genuine flagstone that we purchased 2nd hand to build a path to the gazebo from the pool deck.

Just one small problem...  the wash.  At this point, I have a beautiful path to....  well, no where.  It stops at the wash.  Its a road to no where....  and that reminds me of a song that was sung to me long ago and far away....

Of course, now I have to share some of the lyrics with you.  All lyrics are taken out of context for the sake of my path's story:

~ Cab fare to nowhere
       ~ A white line to an exit sign
                ~ A locked door on a candy store
                         ~ A slim chance in tight pants
Ok, enough reminiscing...  back to our story!

We have flagstone on both sides of the wash...   but nothing connecting the two sides to span the wash.

So I whined and cried because when I go out and feed the birds, my slippers were getting nasty from walking thru the wash.

(and don't say "put some shoes on !!
say "build a bridge"!)

So DH did just that....  he built me a bridge over the wash...  so my "princess" feet do not get dirty.

Well, the steel fabricators bend the frame in that arc...  but he planned it and welded it all together.

But Houston, we have a problem.... 

You can't walk on the bridge!!

A trip to the local big box hardware store netted the boards and the carriage bolts.
I am the painter in the family; not that this is really painting...  After a couple days of drying, I was bestowed with the honor of applying the treatment.

In the photo to above, all but the three boards in the lower left have been treated.   I loved that you can literally watch them change colors in the photo below.

After a day or two of drying, they will get retreated and, again, left to dry.

Stay tuned for installment #5.2.

And FYI - I am SO done with this stuff - I want to get back to my quilting!

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