Spring break was upon us and the kids needed gramma to spend the week with them. I am sure they had visions of lying around eating gummy bears and watching Curious George, but gramma had other ideas.
Maybe its just me but I always want to throw in a productive activity, whether it be learning something new or helping others. I don't know that I am always popular because of the activities I choose, but they seem to be happy to see me every time I come.
We learned a little about sewing machines while I worked on daddy's "new" machine...
Being good Earth stewards, we each picked weeks and gathered up a bag of trash around the yard.
We had a paper plane contest.... they kept flying out of the yard, making it difficult to determine a winner.
However, we all decided that DGS D had won!
We also had a snowflake making contest: mine rated "OK" and M's looked like a moose.
Thank you G, they were delish!!!
When the door was left open just a bit too long, we had some uninvited guests. We made a quick trip to get a flyswatter, but after two stops and no flyswatter, we gave up. DS got creative and made a flyswatter for us.
Wednesday was a tough day; DS had some business to attend to, I had acquired swollen glands and sore throat and a license-to-whine, and DIL had a dreaded appointment with the dentist.
By Thursday morning, DIL had almost lost her voice and I felt a bed of nails would be unable to prevent me from taking nap(s). A nap, sinus medications, and lozenges greatly improved by outlook on life. DIL called midday and she sounded much worse but her show had to go on!!!
Truly a custom fit and it met all the requirements set by the customer.
The customer was thrilled so I think DS can consider it another job well done!
Friday was my DS's ALMOST 40th birthday so we celebrated with the traditional pizza, banana cream pie, and ice cream, which are all of his favorites.
I told DS that this one was his last "real" numbered birthday... next year, he will start the 39+1 birthdays.
I was sad to see the week end - I will miss the little germ factories but me and my cold had to return home.
I was flying to Denver in a couple days to pick up my mom and driving her to Phoenix for an extended visit!!
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