Bless her heart, she wants to help with everything. Of course, I offered to make her a quilt - with her help, of course - but she is anxious to help with everything. It is amazing how many little things I have that need some little thing done to complete them, once I started looking....
We discussed AngelGowns quite a bit as she straightened up the gowns and folded the blankets to ready everything to be shipped out.
NOTE: I am very appreciative to Briar Patch Marketplace, the traveling market where I set up my stand and sell my wares, for gracefully waiving their normal commission fee on these particular items to allow the full sale amount to go to Make-a-Wish.
Mom priced some burp pads I had made while working on a custom order.... and a few other items that had patiently been waiting for her pricing skills.
She also worked, again, on denim circles. She started cutting up jeans for me about a year ago and the project had been at a standstill since then.
I have made other denim rag quilts similar to this one...
But I have something different in mind this time.
I have about 6 bins of jeans that I have been collecting and saving for what seems like forever. I trace 6 1/2" circles on the inside of the jeans and my mum, AKA my third and fourth hand, cuts them out and piles them up.
We haven't counted but I figure she has already cut 100s of circles for me. (the water bottle is for scale)
I also saved other parts of the jeans for miscellany projects that may or may not strike my fancy in the future.
But the goal for the denim circles is a Cathedral Window quilt.
I am actually pretty excited about this project. I have been thinking about using civil war repos in the centers... or maybe just scraps.... but I have plenty of time to decide. I have about 10 other UFOs that need finished before I start another (said no quilter EVER)
Thanks, mom!!
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